Cheap and Easy Remodeling Ideas that Fun to Put into Practice

diy word composed of work and construction tools
Home remodeling does not have to be a large-scale project that disrupts your family life for weeks – here are some remodeling ideas that don’t cost you much, but add style and class to your home décor.
Use Dark Colors in Small Rooms
Most people are convinced that light colored walls can make small rooms look larger. While this is true to a certain extent, using dark colors, even black or onyx on some or even all the walls in your tiny room can add a uniquely bold dramatic appearance to the room. You can leave the ceiling white and you can create contrast with white or colorful accessories, such as decorative pillows, paintings on the walls, lamps and vases.
Use the Color of Stainless Steel for a Really Sleek Kitchen
Everyone agrees that stainless steel appliances and accessories are elegant – just imagine what it would be like to have a stainless-steel backsplash behind your stove. Shiny or textured stainless-steel tiles are among the hottest kitchen design solutions – the tiles come in various shapes and sizes, smaller varieties are even pre-assembled for you into larger squares to make installation easy.
Replace You Cabinet Doors or Refresh Them with Wallpaper
Another great and low-cost solution that will make your kitchen or your bathroom look as if you have completely replaced the furniture. An even simpler and cheaper solution is to glue wallpaper to your cabinet doors – just choose a roll of waterproof wallpaper that features your favorite patterns and colors and apply the paper on the cabinet doors for an instantly refreshed appearance.
Use Stencil and Paint
DIY painting and drawing projects have a unique charm, so let your creative side take over, grab a stencil with an attractive geometric pattern and start decorating your walls. You don’t have to do an entire wall – you can create a stripe in one room, then move on to the next room with a different stencil and different colors.
Use the Space under the Stairs
If you have a little closet under the stairs that you use for cramming in unused or useless things, clean it out to create a cozy little space for your me-time or to create a great playroom for your kids.
Ideas for Outdoor Remodeling
If your home has a deck that can use an upgrade, here are a few ideas to refresh the looks of your outdoor space as well:
– Clean your deck and refresh it with some coating and paint – a new color on the siding, a refreshed deck floor, some bright-colored paint on the railings and a few pots of flowers can make all the difference.
– Add a comfy reading corner – all you need to create a cozy reading space is a few planks, some paint and a little dexterity. Attach some reclaimed hardwood boards to the deck flooring, add a suitably sized chipboard on the top, add a large pillow to make sitting comfortable and some colorful, patterned décor pillows for a more playful appearance and enhanced comfort and that’s it.
Try just a few of these remodeling ideas – they are all easy to put into practice and cheap, but the impact they can make is really dramatic.
If you don’t feel like you have the time to do these updates, or are considering a larger scale remodel, Fort Collins construction contractors can help you through every step of the process!